Friday, December 12, 2008
The Webisodes begin!!!
I know, that's too far away; too long to wait! I suspect the Galactica creative team knows that too, so they've provided us with some juicy appetizers in the interm...
First, of course, are the webisodes which star Gaeta and Hera. Check them out over at This week's kick off finds a exhausted Felix ordered to take some rest aboard the Zypher, only to have the cylon fleet interfere.
Of particular note, the renegade Cylon basestar is still with the fleet, and the skinjob crew apparently moves freely from ship to ship. It also appears Tigh and Gaeta are working on extensive research on the Basestar, possibly to use against the toasters when they attack. I have to wonder how the Colonial population at large feels about their new allies...
Also worth checking out is, a website apparently run by the final Cylon. It contains clues to the upcoming season, including brief footage. A new clue comes out later today, so make sure you take a look.
January 16th can't come fast enough, can it? Spin up the FTL!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
THE GROUP: Prelude to the return!
But the wait is almost over.
Even now, we, your Group panelists are abuzz with plans for the final ten episodes of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, as well as the future of THE GALACTICA GROUP itself. Stay tuned for news as it develops.
In the meantime, I do have some sensational news to report.
First of all, BSG returns January 16th in its regular time slot. In case you've been living under a rock, and didn't know.
Second, the new Season 4 webisodes begin December 12 on Felix Gaeta will take on a leading role in the web series, which will deal with a marooned crew on board a Raptor. The other great revealation is that Mr. Gaeta finally comes out of the closet, along with his boyfriend Lt. Hoshi, the communications officer of the Battlestar Pegasus. Reportedly, we even get a full-on make out scene between the two. Leave it to David Eick, Ronald D. Moore and the rest of the BATTLESTAR writers to keep the most diverse cast of characters in TV history. It only adds to the interest and honesty of the show.
Third, CAPRICA, the BSG prequel, is officially going to series. As far as we know, all the major cast members of the Telefilm will return as series regulars. While we wait with mixed emtions for the final episodes of BSG, let the promise of CAPRICA give us some home for the same kind of groundbreaking, no-holds-barred entertainment we've grown so accustomed to.
In the meantime, I'm holding my breath for December 12. See you all there!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Galactica at Comic-Con: Preview!
But, before we go, I wanted to leave you with a few tingly updates.
First off, production on the final season of Battlestar Galactica has finally wrapped. From the sound of things, it was a very emotional time for the cast and crew alike. Still no word on who the final Cylon is, though rumor has it, several of our main cast members will not live to see Earth.
Second, the second RAZOR style Galactica movie will take place during the continuity of the series, and begins production in early August.
Now, the most salivating bit...the CAPRICA prequel series may forgo the back-door pilot all together and go straight to series. SciFi has a standby order for 13 episodes, with the possibility of more. Also, a fantastic teaser has gone online...
Battlestar Galactica returns in January. Caprica airs in 2009.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Nuclear Finale!
So I just got home from an awful family vacation (and when I say family, I mean EXTENDED 18-member family) vacation that left this Gay Galactican starved for more than viper company.
I'm sorry. I have no idea what that statement means.
Anyway, you probably don't much care, loyal reader; you're not here to hear how I'm still dizzy from being on a ship for days, you're here for Battlestar Galactica!
So, before we get to this week's Podcast, a few notes on what's to come. We're still not sure how long we'll have to wait to resolve last night's cliffhanger...rumor has it September at the earliest, January at the latest.
That's the bad news.
The good, even GREAT, news is, the CAPRICA telefilm is moving forward and drawing great early buzz. The best news of all--production is wrapping on BSG up in Canada, and the final ten episodes are supposedly amazing. More importantly, the series order has been extended to include a three hour finale. That means we get 11 or 12 episodes in the second half of the season instead of ten. Furthermore, the brass at Sci-Fi has nearly greenlit a SEPARATE prequel tv-movie revolving around our BSG characters, slated to go into production as soon as the series wraps.
In other words, it's not over yet!
Last night's late-night podcast kicked off with a fantastic cheese and veggie medley on toast snack prepared by in-house chef Lis. And YUM it was!
We concluded with a special apple cake with real whipped cream, which is the snarfing noise you will hear during the podcast.
So, without further adieu...
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Galactica Group on the RUN!
I have podcasts for the last two episodes, but I need to catch an FTL out of the country. I know, insanity. We met yesterday for Lis' delicious blueberry pancakes.
On the panel:
- Hylas
- Bananas Foster
- Lis
- Jen
- Blender
- Roddy
Episode 8.1:
Episode 9.1:
Friday, May 23, 2008
California Hylas and the Kingdom of Battlestar Galactica!
Hell, it's Indy. I'm just happy to see him.
But we aren't here to talk about Indy, we're here to talk about Battlestar Galactica!
So, of course, we don't get a new episode until next week. So, we all got together for a podcast this week to break up the craving, as it were.
On your panel this week:
- Hylas--Your moderator and Peculiar Pieman
- Blender--Unemployed Alleged Cylon
- Nikita--Comic Book and Screenwriter
- Bananas Foster--Director and Audio Tech.
- Roddy--Well, sort of...
We also had to compensate for the absence of several regular contributers: Jarred, Lis and Jen. Jarred has finished his semester and currently resides with his parents (snicker). Jen and Lis have yet to be located. Maybe they were on that renegade jumping Battlestar...
The evening opened up with some Rock Band and some Scene It!: Marvel Movie Edition. Bananas and Nikita also provided some snackage. Twinkies however, pale in comparison to my creation for the evening...
...if I do say so myself.
OH! And I finished my Voldemort wand. I promised Lis I would feature it on the blog when it was finally finished, so here it is...
And here's the Podcast. ENJOY!
Part I:
Part II:
Part III:
Saturday, May 17, 2008
BSG Resurrected?!?
Still, word comes that Sci-Fi/NBC/Universal is considering a series of three BSG telefilms to film this summer, along with the upcoming CAPRICA prequel miniseries. Bravo to the execs who finally realized what they have...the best show EVER!
Chances are, the movies will be RAZOR style. That is, flashbacks that take place during periods the series didn't cover. Imagine the story of the Cylon civil war...gearing up for the Caprica attack...the lost year on New Caprica.
This could be amazing.
As for this week's podcast, because of the break in episodes, we here at the group have decided to do the podcast NEXT week instead, to better space out our posts. That said, this week's episode was incredible, and I can't wait to see what happens next...
Monday, May 12, 2008
Son of the Fly is Father of the Cylons!!

Eric Stoltz has been cast to play Daniel Graystone, the surgical genius who creates Cylon technology to revive his dead daughter.

Alessandra Toressani will play said daughter. Notice that she looks like a certain other blond on the present series...
This sounds like "Frankenstein" gone horribly awry. I can't wait!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The GALACTICA GROUP Double Feature!!
Blender volunteered to host at his brand new house. The evening started off, however with a vicious attack from MOTHRA! The only one brave enough to confront the mighty beast was Lis, aided by a shot of anal cocaine (allegedly).
She practiced some crazy moves to combat the beast, and I'm happy to say, she succeeded. That's a good thing, since I have a childhood fear of moths. Really.
So Blender(Jim) and his boyfriend Derek (call him Chopper) provided us with a veritable feast for the show. I had to steer clear of the shrimp cocktail for fear of my lethal allergies, but I survived.
This week I hosted, and we had a full on fiesta for the re-record. Or at least, we had a drive-thru fiesta...
Did I mention we were brave?
Lis also encouraged me to share my latest art/geek/nerd project with all of you. I recently read the Harry Potter novels for the first time, and absolutely fell in love with the series (big surprise). I might be slightly obsessed with the the idea of going as Lord Voldemort for Halloween, so yesterday I made my own Voldemort wand. If nothing else, count on my running around the house in my black bathrobe screaming AVADA KEDAVRA.
The wand isn't finished yet, but this is what it looks like in its raw state. I'll make sure to put up a picture of the finished product.
But I digress. On this week's panel:
- Hylas (me)-Your Host, Moderator, and Voldemort
- Lis-Your Hermonie
- Blender (Jim)-Your Luna Lovegood
- Bananas Foster-Your Bellatrix LeStrange
- Jen-Your Cedric Diggory (except alive)
Episode 5.1
Episode 5.2
Part 3:
Episode 6 Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Dude, where's my Podcast?!
Well, we're pulling a MOONLIGHTING...
You remember that show? They never seemed to get the episodes finished on time. Well, we don't have a podcast for you yet. BUT, we are working on it... Don't panic. At the very latest, it will premiere alongside Episode 6, and you'll get a special double episode this weekend.
In the meantime, some juicy Galactica tidbits for you. The CAPRICA prequel series is running full speed ahead, and today comes our first bit of casting news.
Paula Malcomsen will play Dr. Amanda Greystone, a surgeon who creates the first Cylon.

I also have to wonder if the general format of CAPRICA has changed since its inception two years ago. The earlier series sounded like "Dynasty" set in space. The new one sounds considerable darker. Ain't It Cool News has a recent character synopsis here.
Anyway, we're working on the podcast. It will be here soon, we promise!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Anyway, we ordered pizza (thin and crispy style OF COURSE) for sustenance since none of us were into anal cocaine. No offense again to the Stevie Nicks fans.
Now, tonights panel was slightly abbreviated due to two factors. Nikita was unable to attend at the last minute, since she had to appear at a comic book signing. Jarred, by contrast, was stone drunk at 7pm, as every good college student should be. Hell, in my day we sat through classes inebriated, even during finals! Ahh, the bliss of youth...
Anyway, this episode features:
- Hylas (me)--your moderator and Lindsay Buckingham
- The Illustrious Bananas Foster--Karaoke Superstar and Christine McVie
- Jen-Sleep Deprived Mic Fleetwood
- Lis-Frantic Stevie Nicks (possibly from anal cocaine)
- Jim-The recently wrapped Production Executive and John McVie
So, enjoy the podcast. Leave your comments.
Part I:
Part II:
Part III:
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Our first detour consisted of an Alfred Hitchcock double feature: SHADOW OF A DOUBT and LIFEBOAT. Since more than half the panel would have to miss out on Friday night's episode, we decided to postpone until Saturday Morning. Which we did...
The day started with a fantastic brunch, prepared by panelist Nikita. She and Bananas Foster hosted at their West Hollywood condo. The menu consisted of scrambled eggs, sausage, grits, biscuits and banana pancakes, in honor of her roommate (allegedly).
And yes, brunch was spectacular...
After we had sufficiently gorged ourselves, we adjourned into the living room for GALACTICA. Now, Blender -had- violated panel etiquette by watching the episode before the rest of us. It was just as well, since my Cylon brother was unavailable Saturday morning due to his own shooting schedule. We had a brief conversation Friday night via text message...
I: What is it?
I: Good?
HE: Incredible! I was literally screaming at my TV! How does this show manage to keep surprising me?!
I: Good writing?
HE: Amazing!
Naturally, my interest was piqued.
After the rest of us viewed the episode in one of our most animated sessions, we shuffled back into the dining room for espresso and our panel discussion.
On the panel this week:
- Hylas (me)-Screenwriter and civil rights activist. Your moderator.
- Nikita-Comic book writer and chef of the day.
- The Illustrious Bananas Foster-Voice over director and screenwriter
- Jarred-USC Physics Student
- Lis-Chef and Actress
- Jen-LA Film School Directing student.
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Galactica Group Episode 2!!!
Now, I thrived on the guac, but everybody else seemed to love the cookies, in particular Blender who even invented a Cylon Snickerdoodle dance. The snacking and pre-show chat gave way to another great episode of BSG, and after a brief bladder relief break, we jumped right into our round table discussion.
Our panel this week:
- Hylas (me)-your host and moderator, acclaimed screenwriter
- The Illustrious Bananas Foster-Voice over director and screenwriter
- Nikita-Comic book writer and investment banker
- Jarred-USC Physics student (Correction from last week)
- Jen-LA Film School Directing Student
- Lis-Actress and chef
- Blender-Cylon (allegedly) TV Producer
- Starbuck's dementia
- Roslyn's declining health and relationship with Adama
- The prophecies of Pythia
- Boomer's betrayal of her Cylon models
- The schism between the Cylons
- Baltar's new found faith
- Tori Foster's affair with Baltar
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Galactica, which had its fourth and final season premiere at 10 p.m. Friday, drew 2.1 million viewers, a 19% increase over the series' so-called "Season 3.5" premiere in January 2007.
It also was up in the key demo of adults 18-49 (up 11% to 1.4 million, its best showing since January 2006).
Why is this big news? It shows that Sci-Fi might have botched Season 3 by moving the show to Sundays. This happens in TV: A show builds up a large base audience on one night, and to try and boost ratings, expand the audience or just to fill a hole in the schedule, the network moves it to a different day and kills whatever fan base the show had to begin with. Cases in point: The Golden Girls, Third Rock from the Sun and Murder, She Wrote.
Moreover, persistent rumor has it that the Sci-Fi channel pushed Ronald D. Moore and David Eick to make Season 4 the last for Galactica, blaming lowered (but by no means low) ratings for the show on the complex storyline and lack of "stand alone" episodes. Do you suppose the network might regret that decision?
Stay tuned. For more information about the evils of television, rent the movie NETWORK.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

So, the Illustrious Bananas Foster sent me this fine image, appearing in an upcoming issue of GQ magazine. It shows our girls Grace Park, Tricia Helfer and Katee Sackhoff posing in gear usually reserved for Barbarella. Now, I hated that movie and have yet to understand its cult status or appeal. That said, I dig the photo. Maybe it points toward a Jane Fonda cameo in an upcoming episode. How cool would THAT be?!
In other news, Ronald D. Moore dropped another tidbit. The final Cylon will not be revealed until the end of the season, possibly in the final episode. Grr. Here's hoping they finish up with filming and Sci-Fi decides NOT to split the season a year apart, if for no other reason but the possibility of spoilers leaking out.
Also, D'ana Biers' return will be built up early in this season. Evidently, the Number 3's knowledge of the final five becomes highly prized information during the Civil War...
Monday, April 7, 2008
Galactica Group Podcast Episode 1!!!
THE GALACTICA GROUP audio podcast!
The panel for this week's discussion:
- Your Moderator, Hylas (me)--Acclaimed, up-and-coming screenwriter and civil rights activist.
- Jen--LA Film School directing student
- The Illustrious Bananas Foster--Voice Artist Director and Screenwriter
- Dani-Comic Book Writer
- Jim--Television Producer and Cylon (allegedly)
- Lis--Acclaimed Chef
- Jarred--USC Film Student tastes as good as it looks. Possibly better.
The roundtable discussion ran a bit longer than planned, but nonetheless covered several important points. Among them...
- Starbuck's return and visions of Earth.
- Baltar's harem, cult and religious awakening.
- The nature of Red Six.
- Sam Anders' interaction with a Cylon raider.
- The identity of the Final Cylon.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
PS--Now that certain technical problems have been confronted, next week's episode will not take so long to go online. Hopefully, from here on, every podcast will hit within 24 hours of the Galactica Broadcast. And, as always, check for periodic updates on our blog.
Friday, April 4, 2008
The day is TIGH!!!
The day is Nigh. But you know what I mean.
So finally, after a bloody year of waiting, tonight comes the premiere of Season 4 of Battlestar Galactica! Expect an update with our new podcast very soon. However, in the interm, I would like to just review a few questions that have plagued my mind for the past twelve months...
- Where has Starbuck been?
- How did the Cylons find the fleet?
- How will the four of the final five react in the long term to their new identity?
- How long will Roslyn survive?
- What idiot would think Baltar is a prophet?
- Who is the final Cylon??
See you soon.
Friday, March 28, 2008
One week to SEASON 4!!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Last Supper, Last Cylon...

So much has been made of this image which appeared earlier this year in Entertainment Weekly. According to Ronald D. Moore, it apparently contains DaVinci Code-style clues as to what to expect in Season 4. Yet somehow, I have yet to hear a reasonable analysis. So, for your benefit, allow me to make certain observations...
- Let's start on the left. Laura Roslyn appears to be burning something, in what looks like a ceremonial dish. I assume this is a reference to her role as a prophet, as well as her returned cancer. Moore has hinted that Roslyn's impending death will be a major plot point in the coming season. I would guess that her cancer treatment, and hallucinations from kumalla extract will also come to the forefront. If last season's finale is any indication, we will get more scenes in the Cylon opera house from Roslyn, and her connection to the Cylons will be further explored.
- Next is Natalie, the new clone of Number Six. We've yet to meet her yet, but from the look of things she's accusing the Red Six of something. My wager? She's part of the new anti-war movement brewing within the Cylon ranks. We know a Civil War, somehow tied to the revival of Number 3/Diana Biers, is brewing. Natalie is the leader of one faction.
- Tigh has a closed manual of some kind in front of him. I assume that means we'll see him delinquent in his duties. He's also looking at someone, but given that he only has one eye, which we cannot see, it's hard to tell who. It may be Apollo...heaven knows they have little affection for one another.
- The empty place...the most intriguing thing -not- in this photo. Allegedly, this is a reference to the final Cylon. In Christian myth, it's said that at the actual Last Supper, Jesus sat at an empty place at the table which, according to Jewish tradition, was always kept empty for the Messiah-yet-to-arrive. Jesus sitting in the spot signaled his divinity to his followers. More on the ramifications of this, as well as that silver cup, in a moment...
- Lee is not in his flight uniform, and a clip board sits before him. I take this as an indication he will not return to flight duty, and will probably end up in a key role of the Roslyn administration. A new VP, perhaps?
- Baltar, sporting a ceremonial robe, sits in awe of Red Six. With his new role as some kind of religious leader, my guess is the Inner Six will be returning, giving Baltar instructions on how to control and manipulate his followers.
- Red Six basks in heavenly light, eyes turned to above. As if the dress weren't enough, this confirms that this is Baltar's Inner Six, receiving instructions from the Cylon God.
- Starbuck rests in the arms of Anders, but her body language reveals tension and discomfort, eyes to a book on the table. I predict Sam reveals his status as one of the final five to Kara, and her love for him prevents her tattling to Adama and Roslyn. That said, she's afraid of her husband, and what their relationship might mean. Don't ask me about the book...I've no idea what it means.
- Tyroll wields a knife, possibly indicating suicidal thoughts, or even thoughts of murdering baby Nicky.
- Athena and Helo seek comfort with each other, and her hand is extended toward Adama. They appear to look at Red Six, suggesting that Athena's link to the Cylons might give them clues as to the Cylon God's plan, and Six's connection to Baltar. The open book and her extended hand indicates their allegiance to Adama and the fleet. I would further this assumption--I'm betting that Athena acts as a spy once again.
- And finally, Adama. He's looking away from the entire group, at something off camera. What exactly? Too early to know, but I'm guessing some kind of new threat.
But what about that silver goblet? And who's the final Cylon? Apparently nobody in the photo...which doesn't narrow the field all that much. The goblet suggests the Holy Grail to me...the magical cup which brought eternal life. As I mentioned before, the empty spot could indicate that the final Cylon is some kind of messianic figure, meant for self-sacrifice to rescue humanity. But will is the final Cylon a boon to humanity, or to the other Cylons? And WHO IS IT?! Dualla? Gaeta? Doc Coddle? BOXEY?
My prediction: none of the above. If this photo suggests the final Cylon has messianic qualities, and with resurrection a theme throughout the series, I can only suggest one character: Kendra Shaw. Yes, the heroine of the RAZOR telefilm, who proves pivotal to the ongoing action of the series. Considering the ramblings of the Hybrid, indicating that the Final Cylon will only meet with salvation through great suffering, and his indication that time repeats itself, I find no other logical choice.
What do YOU think?!?