Our first detour consisted of an Alfred Hitchcock double feature: SHADOW OF A DOUBT and LIFEBOAT. Since more than half the panel would have to miss out on Friday night's episode, we decided to postpone until Saturday Morning. Which we did...
The day started with a fantastic brunch, prepared by panelist Nikita. She and Bananas Foster hosted at their West Hollywood condo. The menu consisted of scrambled eggs, sausage, grits, biscuits and banana pancakes, in honor of her roommate (allegedly).
And yes, brunch was spectacular...
After we had sufficiently gorged ourselves, we adjourned into the living room for GALACTICA. Now, Blender -had- violated panel etiquette by watching the episode before the rest of us. It was just as well, since my Cylon brother was unavailable Saturday morning due to his own shooting schedule. We had a brief conversation Friday night via text message...
I: What is it?
I: Good?
HE: Incredible! I was literally screaming at my TV! How does this show manage to keep surprising me?!
I: Good writing?
HE: Amazing!
Naturally, my interest was piqued.
After the rest of us viewed the episode in one of our most animated sessions, we shuffled back into the dining room for espresso and our panel discussion.
On the panel this week:
- Hylas (me)-Screenwriter and civil rights activist. Your moderator.
- Nikita-Comic book writer and chef of the day.
- The Illustrious Bananas Foster-Voice over director and screenwriter
- Jarred-USC Physics Student
- Lis-Chef and Actress
- Jen-LA Film School Directing student.
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
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