And I can hardly wait. Tonight, in case you haven't heard, Sci-Fi airs BATTLESTAR GALACTICA REVEALED, a retrospective/catch-up/fan pandering special to advertise next week's season premire. It's at 10/9 central and features a look at the upcoming season. Head over to to check out a preview.
On a somewhat related subject, a direct predecessor to the BSG phenomenon comes from another popular television show, THE X-FILES. Also filmed in Toronto, and featuring an ongoing mythology and content that pushes the bounderies of TV censorship, THE X-FILES also marks exactally what the fans and creators of BSG don't want to see: a series that goes on far past its expiration date to the point where characters become stale and the mythology incoherent.
All that said, I've recently re-watched some of the X-Files episodes from its prime creative period, and I suddenly realize how much I miss Mulder and Scully and their adventures. As lackluster as the final sesasons were, the show's creative zeneth shines as bright as any drama on television.
Now, finally, six years after the end of the show, Mulder and Scully return. I couldn't be more excited. The original X-Files movie, FIGHT THE FUTURE, divided fans and critics, though in the interest of full disclosure, I absolutely loved as a fan of the series. It didn't solve any of the show's ongoing mysteries, nor did it change the ongoing dynamic of the show in any way. But then, few shows do change over the course of their run (BSG is, of course an exception), which may be why I watch so little television. I prefer growth and development to self-renewing loops, or to coin a phrase, creative bravery to stagnation. J.J. Abrams take note.
But I digress. This summer sees the release of XF2, and without further ado, allow me to present the latest trailer and poster. The trailer is, as of yet, a bootleg, so catch it while you can. I'm not sure what the movie is about (and director Chris Carter isn't saying much other than it has nothing to do with the show's mythology and takes place after the end of the series), but boy, am I intrigued!
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