Saturday, May 10, 2008

The GALACTICA GROUP Double Feature!!

So, allow me to begin by explaining our delay. We had some difficulty with our recording equipment for our Episode 5 Podcast, so this week you get a double feature. We re-recorded the Podcast before this week's episode. I can, however, give you the basic rundown of what happened.

Blender volunteered to host at his brand new house. The evening started off, however with a vicious attack from MOTHRA! The only one brave enough to confront the mighty beast was Lis, aided by a shot of anal cocaine (allegedly).

She practiced some crazy moves to combat the beast, and I'm happy to say, she succeeded. That's a good thing, since I have a childhood fear of moths. Really.

So Blender(Jim) and his boyfriend Derek (call him Chopper) provided us with a veritable feast for the show. I had to steer clear of the shrimp cocktail for fear of my lethal allergies, but I survived.

This week I hosted, and we had a full on fiesta for the re-record. Or at least, we had a drive-thru fiesta...

Did I mention we were brave?

Lis also encouraged me to share my latest art/geek/nerd project with all of you. I recently read the Harry Potter novels for the first time, and absolutely fell in love with the series (big surprise). I might be slightly obsessed with the the idea of going as Lord Voldemort for Halloween, so yesterday I made my own Voldemort wand. If nothing else, count on my running around the house in my black bathrobe screaming AVADA KEDAVRA.

The wand isn't finished yet, but this is what it looks like in its raw state. I'll make sure to put up a picture of the finished product.

But I digress. On this week's panel:
  • Hylas (me)-Your Host, Moderator, and Voldemort
  • Lis-Your Hermonie
  • Blender (Jim)-Your Luna Lovegood
  • Bananas Foster-Your Bellatrix LeStrange
  • Jen-Your Cedric Diggory (except alive)
And the good news is, we're all friends. Enjoy!

Episode 5.1

Episode 5.2

Part 3:

Episode 6 Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! HAHAHAHAHAAA! love that you called me hermione... now i just need a ron... or a harry :D

and isweartoGod, ENUF w/the anal cocaine ref's! groooooooooss! but i loved the mothra thing :D