Friday, April 4, 2008

The day is TIGH!!!


The day is Nigh. But you know what I mean.

So finally, after a bloody year of waiting, tonight comes the premiere of Season 4 of Battlestar Galactica! Expect an update with our new podcast very soon. However, in the interm, I would like to just review a few questions that have plagued my mind for the past twelve months...

  • Where has Starbuck been?
  • How did the Cylons find the fleet?
  • How will the four of the final five react in the long term to their new identity?
  • How long will Roslyn survive?
  • What idiot would think Baltar is a prophet?
  • Who is the final Cylon??
Which questions will be answered tonight? We find out in a few hours. Early buzz on this premiere is fantastic, saying that it leads into the best season on the series. Here's hoping...

See you soon.

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