And it was an emotional one, at that. Nary a dry eye stared at that ship in its final jump, or the green of Earth, or Roslin's dead hand, as Adama slipped his wedding ring on to it. Hell, I'm getting emotional just writing this...
As a special treat for the finale, original Galactica Group member Straight Joe joined us for the viewing. We celebrated with pizza and champaigne. Unfortunately, our resident audio engineer was out of the country, so we had to postpone our podcast. Still, we re-convened this past Sunday for a special champaigne brunch. Our buffet even had a chocolate waterfall.
After four hours of sipping mimosas and stuffing ourselves, we headed into the recording studio for a final extended podcast. On your panel...
- Hylas, your joyful moderator
- Unicorn, your toymaster
- Bananas Foster, audio director extrodinaire
- Nikkita, noted comic book writer
- Blender, Cylon sleepy agent
- James, music man
Enjoy the podcasts. All of us are stuck in a deep depression now, since the end. I'm working on plans for organic downloading with the hopes of jumping out into the universe to search for a dream of our own. Our Earth. Until then, we have our DVDs. And our memories.
Thank you to all of you, devoted fans. Thank you to the cast and crew of BSG, the best show ever.
So say we all.
Part I.
Part II.
Part III.
Part IV.
Part V.
Part VI.
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