Friday, March 28, 2008
One week to SEASON 4!!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Last Supper, Last Cylon...

So much has been made of this image which appeared earlier this year in Entertainment Weekly. According to Ronald D. Moore, it apparently contains DaVinci Code-style clues as to what to expect in Season 4. Yet somehow, I have yet to hear a reasonable analysis. So, for your benefit, allow me to make certain observations...
- Let's start on the left. Laura Roslyn appears to be burning something, in what looks like a ceremonial dish. I assume this is a reference to her role as a prophet, as well as her returned cancer. Moore has hinted that Roslyn's impending death will be a major plot point in the coming season. I would guess that her cancer treatment, and hallucinations from kumalla extract will also come to the forefront. If last season's finale is any indication, we will get more scenes in the Cylon opera house from Roslyn, and her connection to the Cylons will be further explored.
- Next is Natalie, the new clone of Number Six. We've yet to meet her yet, but from the look of things she's accusing the Red Six of something. My wager? She's part of the new anti-war movement brewing within the Cylon ranks. We know a Civil War, somehow tied to the revival of Number 3/Diana Biers, is brewing. Natalie is the leader of one faction.
- Tigh has a closed manual of some kind in front of him. I assume that means we'll see him delinquent in his duties. He's also looking at someone, but given that he only has one eye, which we cannot see, it's hard to tell who. It may be Apollo...heaven knows they have little affection for one another.
- The empty place...the most intriguing thing -not- in this photo. Allegedly, this is a reference to the final Cylon. In Christian myth, it's said that at the actual Last Supper, Jesus sat at an empty place at the table which, according to Jewish tradition, was always kept empty for the Messiah-yet-to-arrive. Jesus sitting in the spot signaled his divinity to his followers. More on the ramifications of this, as well as that silver cup, in a moment...
- Lee is not in his flight uniform, and a clip board sits before him. I take this as an indication he will not return to flight duty, and will probably end up in a key role of the Roslyn administration. A new VP, perhaps?
- Baltar, sporting a ceremonial robe, sits in awe of Red Six. With his new role as some kind of religious leader, my guess is the Inner Six will be returning, giving Baltar instructions on how to control and manipulate his followers.
- Red Six basks in heavenly light, eyes turned to above. As if the dress weren't enough, this confirms that this is Baltar's Inner Six, receiving instructions from the Cylon God.
- Starbuck rests in the arms of Anders, but her body language reveals tension and discomfort, eyes to a book on the table. I predict Sam reveals his status as one of the final five to Kara, and her love for him prevents her tattling to Adama and Roslyn. That said, she's afraid of her husband, and what their relationship might mean. Don't ask me about the book...I've no idea what it means.
- Tyroll wields a knife, possibly indicating suicidal thoughts, or even thoughts of murdering baby Nicky.
- Athena and Helo seek comfort with each other, and her hand is extended toward Adama. They appear to look at Red Six, suggesting that Athena's link to the Cylons might give them clues as to the Cylon God's plan, and Six's connection to Baltar. The open book and her extended hand indicates their allegiance to Adama and the fleet. I would further this assumption--I'm betting that Athena acts as a spy once again.
- And finally, Adama. He's looking away from the entire group, at something off camera. What exactly? Too early to know, but I'm guessing some kind of new threat.
But what about that silver goblet? And who's the final Cylon? Apparently nobody in the photo...which doesn't narrow the field all that much. The goblet suggests the Holy Grail to me...the magical cup which brought eternal life. As I mentioned before, the empty spot could indicate that the final Cylon is some kind of messianic figure, meant for self-sacrifice to rescue humanity. But will is the final Cylon a boon to humanity, or to the other Cylons? And WHO IS IT?! Dualla? Gaeta? Doc Coddle? BOXEY?
My prediction: none of the above. If this photo suggests the final Cylon has messianic qualities, and with resurrection a theme throughout the series, I can only suggest one character: Kendra Shaw. Yes, the heroine of the RAZOR telefilm, who proves pivotal to the ongoing action of the series. Considering the ramblings of the Hybrid, indicating that the Final Cylon will only meet with salvation through great suffering, and his indication that time repeats itself, I find no other logical choice.
What do YOU think?!?
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Geeky Weekly run-down!
But enough about me. First and foremost, two HUGE Galactica-related announcements. First, the Sci-Fi channel has announced that the long-awaited Battlestar Galactica prequel series, CAPRICA, finally has the green light. Perhaps someone at that rather clueless network finally had an inspired thought beyond second-rate reality series and steaming piles like TIN MAN.
Ahem, anyway...
So no word yet on when the series will air, though fans should note that Caprica does NOT yet appear on the network's production slate. I guess that the new show will probably have a roll out in time for the BSG series wrap-up. Whether or not the show will remain a science fiction soap opera based around the first Cylon war also remains in question...evidently, the home office at the Sci-Fi channel was not too pleased with the script when Ronald D. Moore originally turned it in. Fan reviews, too, have been mixed. Only time will tell.
The other big news...Galactica does LETTERMAN. That's right, this week the cast of BSG appeared on Late Night With David Letterman, in full costume and character, to promote the premiere of Season 4. Check it out...
Of special note--the wonderful Lucy Lawless, again showing of her comic timing, appears with the regular cast. Lawless has previously been mentioned a number of times as returning this season for an unspecified number of episodes. Originally rumored to be only 1-2, could this appearance be a hint that our beloved Diana/Number 3 is coming back to the show for a full story arc, a-la the first half of Season 3? Or will Lawless join the show full time? Another question lingering question...I'll have my contacts at NBC/Universal get on that. Having Lawless, who, for my money, did the best acting of her life on this series, back on the show will undoubtedly raise the episode quality to new levels. The thought of having Lucy Lawless as a permanent addition to the show, however, makes my geeky heart quiver with glee.
In other Geek-Related news...
- Thomas Sangster is supposedly joining Spielberg to play Tintin. In case anybody cares...
- Stan Winston will apparently take on make-up duties on money hording effort that will be TERMINATOR 4. Also, Anton Yelchin, who plays Checkov in J.J. Abrams ill-advised STAR TREK reboot/remake/act of desperation, is reportedly taking on the role of Kyle Reese, the character originally created by Michael Biehn in the earlier films.
- The first picture of Benicio Del Toro as the Wolf-Man has hit the web.
- Ian McDiarmind, best known as the Emperor in the STAR WARS films, will appear in INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL.
- On a related note, John Hurt will play Abner Ravenwood, the apparently deceased father of Karen Allen's character.
- The first photo from the G.I. JOE set has also leaked, giving us our first glance at Snake-Eyes.
- THE HOBBIT has apparently run into trouble AGAIN, this time resulting from New Line Cinema's collapse and merger with Warner Bros. Guillermo Del Toro, the presumed director, is still without a contract.
- FANTASTIC FOUR 3 will mercifully not happen. A Silver Surfer spin-off, headed by BABYLON 5 mastermind (and former He-Man writer) J. Michael Strazynski, however, is in pre-production.
- WOLVERINE may be running into production troubles. Director Richard Donner, helmer of SUPERMAN, is reportedly on his way to the set. Donner is the husband of producer Lauren Schuler-Donner, and known for rescuing troubled projects. Given meddling by the studio to insert unrelated characters into the story (Gambit, Deadpool) in an eerie echo the X-Men 3 disaster, Donner's involvement may signal greater problems at hand.
- And finally the long-awaited TRON sequel will, according to sources inside Disney, involve motion-capture photography. To what extent has yet to be revealed.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The GALACTICA GROUP comes online!
At last, after careful deliberations and talks, the Galactica Group is pleased to debut its very first website and open discussions to the public.
As the premiere of Battlestar Galactica: Season 4 nears, count on more additions and updates to our blog, culminating in the very first podcast of The Galactica Group, free for download. We look forward to your comments as the final confrontation between man and Cylon draws ever closer...