Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hybrid Podcast!

After another ridiculous episode which inches closer to the end, and closer to full disclosure of the series mythology, the GALACTICA GROUP has tried to do something a bit different...

Since we had trouble with our podcast last week, we did an extended podcast discussing issues from the past two episodes, rather than doing two separate recordings. Think of it as a special podcast event.

So, your panel for this week...
  • Hylas, your moderator
  • Bananas Foster, audio master
  • Jared, college genius
  • Chris, film student
  • James, composer
  • Robert, Bhudda in training
  • Unicorn, Toy dealer
  • Blender, forgotten Cylon
  • Sleestack, neurotic studio assistant
  • Mark, lounge singer
Oh, and I do know I've been bad about posting photos this season. So here...


Part I.

Part II.

Part III.

Part IV.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I want my frakking podcast!

Ok, I know you're mad.

Where's the frakking podcast?

Well as you may know occasionally we have equipment problems. Last night, they attacked again. That said, we will have double podcasts for you next week. If only we had Cylon technology to keep our audio moving!

Last night's episode was one of the most emotional of the series. Kate Vernon, Tricia Helfer, and Michael Hogan all delivered powerful work. The question remains...will Saul stay with Ellen, or with Caprica?

Join us next week for our discussion!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Full Disclosure!

Or nearly, anyway...

It's not often that I do this, but if you HAVE NOT SEEN Episode 4.15 "NO EXIT," then please, stop reading right now!!

Still here? Ok...

Last night we learned the history of the Cylon nation, and perhaps origin of the proverb "All this has happened before, and all this will happen again." So, if you're as confused as some of us in the group, let me try and re-cap this.

In the beginning, mankind lived in paradise on Kobol. As master geneticists, they developed skinjob slaves...the original Cylons, the 13th tribe. War broke out, and the tribes left for destinations unknown. The 12 human tribes went out and settled in the colonies, and the 13th tribe went to Earth.

Originally, the 13th tribe, the Cylons, never died or reproduced, the only ressurrected by downloading. But eventually, the Cylons learned to reprodcue and downloading was forgotten. Thousands of years past...and the Cylon tribe on Earth created robotic Centurians as slave labor. The Centurians rebelled, and another great war broke out. Warned (by who, we don't know) the Final Five worked to restore ressurection, and when Earth was nuked, the five downloaded to a ressurection ship in orbit.

Recognizing the cycle of destruction, the Final Five backtracked to Kobol and followed the steps of the 12 tribes to the colonies, to warn of the cycle of genocide and war. But by the time they arrived, the first Cylon war between the centurians (developed by Daniel Graystone in CAPRICA) and the humans had already broken out.

To stop the war, the Final Five granted the Centurians greatest desire: skinjob bodies and downlaod capabilities. The Five created eight models, starting with Brother John Cavil--Number One, instililng in them the greatest belief the colonial Centurians had--belief in the one true God. But then something unexpected happened. Cavil killed all the Number Sevens AND the Final Five. Then he created memory blocks when the Five downloaded, and introduced them back on Caprica as part of the colonial forces. Then, with his army of skinjob Cylons, he broke the armistace and attacked the 12 colonies.

What he didn't count on was the Five surviving and helping the colonial forces, or recovering their memories. Cavil had hoped that when the Five downloaded, they would admit their mistake in his imperfect creation. With the Ressurrection Hub destroyed, Cavil needed the Final Five to restore the hardware allowing for Cylon download. Though he had Ellen as a prisoner, she couldn't tell him alone. She needed the other Final Four to make the system work. Their equipment, and a full planet of Cylons, remains hidden on an unknown world.

So then, what of the Number 7? Does he exist? Is he Starbuck? And who warned the Final Five on Earth of the coming attack? Tori saw a man, and Galen saw a woman. Could it be Baltar and Red Six?

I guess we have to keep watching. Five episodes remain.

Oh! I almost forgot to mention. Several members of THE GALACTICA GROUP have seen a workprint of CAPRICA. They had less than flattering things to say about the new pilot, though they did confirm that the first Cylon of the series is a Centurian, and that belief in the One God stemmed from a virtual reality cult. I won't give away more than that, but let me say that the premise did not sound like a good one. The origin of the Centurians, and their belief in the One God sounds like something William Gibson would have made up on a bad day when he needed money. We'll see, when CAPRICA airs.

Now, for the podcast. On your panel tonight:
  • Hylas, your host
  • Bananas Foster, audio guru
  • Roddy, of "He's Just Not that Into You" fame
  • Blender, confused Cylon
  • Angry John, our neurotic new panelist
  • Jarred, pie loving student
  • James, awestruck composer
  • Joe, phlegm-struck prop dealer

Part I:

Part II:

Part III:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Roslin throwdown Double Feature!

Apologies for the delay. I know, we're worse than "Moonlighting."

So this week the group convened for a special double feature of "The Oath" and "Blood on the Scales." We tried last week--Nikkita even made her incredible ribs & Mac & Chesse--but we had too many members of the group out to record. So, this week we all got together and Blender's place for pizza and a double podcast.

We managed to devour two whole pizzas in about two minutes time, so Blender, UNBEKNOWNST to any of us, drunk-dialed to order more, which showed up just before the new episode. Needless to say, none of us minded. Oh yes, and Blender was slightly ineebriated even when we all showed up around 8pm. He'd had a rough day, so at least he had an entertaining night.

So, the podcasts. Oh, before we begin, take note: CAPRICA will be released on DVD April 21. Count on the Galactica Group submitting our own podcast for the new spinoff. The universe lives!

Your panel Tonight:
  • Hylas, your moderator and host (who ran into Bodie and Edward James Olmos this week!)
  • Bananas Foster, your audio mixer
  • Jared, College Student
  • Chris, V-The Miniseries Virgin
  • Joe, Memorabilia Manager
  • James, Composer
  • Nikkita, Comic Book Writer
  • Blender, Drunken Cylon

Now, the Podcast for "The Oath"

Part I.

Part II.

Part III.

And for "Blood on the Scales"

Part I.

Part II.

Part III.

See you next week!